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TUF Tennis Announces Annual Global Tennis Scholarship Program for Underprivileged Youth

TUF Tennis Announces Annual Global Tennis Scholarship Program for Underprivileged Youth

On December 10, 2024, TUF Tennis introduced its Global Tennis Scholarship Program, designed to support talented young players from underprivileged backgrounds. This initiative will provide scholarships to 50 promising athletes each year, covering coaching, travel, equipment, and competition expenses.

The scholarship program is part of TUF Tennis’s broader commitment to making tennis more accessible and inclusive. Selected through a rigorous application process, the beneficiaries will receive support for up to five years, aiming to develop their skills to potentially compete at professional levels.

“We recognize the barriers that talented players from less fortunate backgrounds face, and we are committed to providing opportunities that could change their lives and the landscape of tennis,” said Maria Gonzalez, Vice President of TUF Tennis’s Community Programs. “Through this scholarship, we hope to discover and nurture world-class talent who may otherwise go unnoticed.”

The application process for the TUF Tennis Global Tennis Scholarship Program will open in January 2025, with the first group of scholars expected to begin their training in the fall of that year.